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O simpla piatra , o simpla dorinta , o simpla atractie.

Legea Atractiei !

   S-ar parea ca piatra nu este ceva neobisnuit şi misterios. Dar nu este nici atât de simplu:

"Pietrele sunt niște rezervoare în care este acumulată energia pamantului" - asa afirma cunostintele antice.

Aparute din pamant, acestea pe rand absorbeau energia solara, cea eoliană si a apei, devenind astfel o sursa puternica de energie.
Pietrele au rol protector, energizant, curativ, altele au rolul de a va ajuta in atingerea unor scopuri personale.
Purtati pietrele alese la dumneavoastra permanent si va
vor incarca de energie pozitiva sau vor echilibra nivelul energiilor din organismul dumneavoastra.
Pietrele traiesc, respira, au batai regulate de inima, "germineaza", cresc si imbatranesc, se misca! Fac tot ceea ce este specific organismelor vii, numai ca intr-un ritm extrem de lent.

One simple rock, one simple wish

  A rock may not seem something unusual or mysterious. But it is not all quite simple, though: “The rocks are reservoirs that accumulate the energy of the Earth” – so says the ancient knowledge.

   They came out of the ground, and the would alternatively absorb the wind, solar and water energy, becoming, in this manner, a powerful source of energy.
   The rocks have protective, energising, and healing roles in order to help you attain your personal goals.
   Carry permanently these rocks with you and they will charge you with positive energy or they will balance the level of energies in your body.
   The rocks live, breath, have regular heartbeats, germinate, grow and get older, and they move! They do everything characteristic to living organisms, except they do it an extremely slow rhythm.

Despre Pietre

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